Congratulations on the housewarming are accepted by the employees of the medical center of our company – in June, their service was the first to move to the new building of the Staff Reception Center, the implementation of the project of which in Ariadne began six months ago. Recall that the Personnel Reception Point (or, as it is also called, the shift center) was conceived as a single employee service center, combining under one roof all the control services of the company involved in the shift process. This solution will make the process of arrival and departure the most comfortable for the staff, because All signatures from the list in the bypass sheet will be available in one room. PPP will be especially convenient for newly arrived employees of the company, who will not have to wander around the town that has not yet been explored in search of the necessary offices. It is worth noting that the project organizes the process of shifting, allowing you to track the movement of people, and therefore is also important from the point of view of ensuring order and security in the town.

But, back to the new settlers. The medical center is a particularly important structure. The field of her responsibility implies a wide range of responsibilities. Medical workers of our company take care of the health of people on duty, daily monitor employees at whose workplaces the safety of other people depends on their physical condition, regularly check the sanitary condition of all residential and working premises of the company. It is hard to believe that such a volume of work is carried out by a relatively small team, which, until the appearance of the shift point, was compactly located in a three-room room of the 2nd entrance of the 8th house. Its location in a remote part of the town was inconvenient for both the staff of the medical center and its visitors. Early morning examinations had to be carried out at the checkpoint, drivers had to go through the whole town to the first-aid post before leaving for the flight, and on the days of shift shifting, an impassable crowd constantly arose near the “entrance of doctors”. Obviously, the medical center needed a spacious separate room and was the first in the list of units that had to move to the shift center.
The redeployment took several days. It took 15 flights to transport small equipment, folders with documentation and medicines to the new premises. 15 times the car was loaded and unloaded, it is important to take into account that you cannot drive up to the entrance of the old medical center by car – it is located at the height of the second floor and you can only climb the stairs to it. The process was chaotic and difficult, but our doctors steadfastly endured the move and are now settling in a new room, which, compared to the old apartment, looks really impressive. At the disposal of honey. employees now have a spacious work area with tables, computers and filing cabinets, a huge treatment room, a room for storing drugs, a separate medical waste warehouse, a doctor’s office, an isolation ward with a shower and a separate bathroom for people whose condition may require constant monitoring. In the corridor, which unites all the listed rooms, there are sofas and flowers, wall antiseptics are installed – everything surprises with the scale and seriousness of the idea. The new medical center may well pass for part of the building of a private clinic. But this is an impression from the outside. I wonder what emotions his employees feel in connection with moving to a new medical center? Does it meet their needs from a professional point of view?

The doctor of the medical center, Gulbayder Khamzievna Mubarakova, is no less demanding of her workplace than of the workplaces of the services she inspects. Her comments are not emotional – she characterizes the new premises of her unit purely from the point of view of meeting medical standards, focusing on the remaining work:
– Now it is very important to establish ventilation in a short time, install bars on the windows, and hang blinds so as not to embarrass our visitors during receptions. In addition, it is necessary to increase the lighting in the treatment room. This is the biggest requirement, because here people are provided with first aid. Only after this work, our service will be able to obtain the conclusion of the sanitary station, which will confirm the compliance of sound insulation, lighting, temperature and other indicators of the new first-aid post with all standards. There are still improvements, but in general the building is very good. It allows you to freely evacuate, is equipped with new equipment and accommodates everything we need. We will work!, – said Gulbayder Khamzievna.

The relocation of the medical center is technically completed, but it will take a lot of time for its team to furnish the office for themselves and get used to the new place. A warm and hostilely cozy mood now reigns in their unit. Between their daily duties, they steal minutes to ennoble the new office. Here, under the strict control of Gulbayder Khamzievna, paramedic Gennady Mashtakov lays out medical records in the cells of the file cabinet, and nurse Zhuldyz Alpamysova puts things in order in the storage of drugs. The shift point begins to come to life. Soon, after honey. Other control structures will take their places in the new building, which will optimize and simplify many processes in the company. In the meantime, our medical workers are getting used to the new working conditions, I would like to wish enthusiasm and good mood to the units that are about to move. The first weeks of operation of the first-aid post in the new location showed the advantages of the Reception Point project, and therefore the relocation of the structures to the new building will now follow one after another. To date, one thing can be said with confidence – the shift center has begun its functioning successfully.