In March 2018, one of the joyful events in the life of our company took place. Let’s remember which one? On the day of Nauryz, a new, snow-white-marble, spacious and bright dining room “Caspian” opened its doors to the team of “Ariadne”! It took a very long time to prepare for the opening: it all started with a complete reconstruction of the old room, in which there were only broken blocks of concrete floors and a bare frame of columns with protruding spikes of reinforcement. The halls were restored, the ventilation system was adjusted, a full-fledged kitchen complex with modern equipment was installed, and the dining room was put into operation, accompanying the opening with a holiday, the joyful memories of which are still alive. But even then, the company’s executives said: “This is just the beginning, there is a lot of work to be done!”. After all, we were perplexed then: why flirt, much better? But, indeed, after a while in the dining room there was video surveillance, entrance turnstiles and electronic terminals for accounting for meals and portions. The menu of the dining room has been modified.

But, as it turned out, the leadership did not hint at these changes.
Behind the wall of the new dining room, almost immediately after its opening, construction work began. There is another spacious room, and the employees of the SU-3 began to reconstruct it from scratch. Ceilings and columns were leveled, concrete slabs were re-laid, window and door openings were mounted, and electricity was conducted. For what purpose, I wonder what will happen there? Very soon it became clear that the room was being restored as another hall of the dining room “Caspian”. A year has passed since the start of work, at what stage is the second stage of the canteen today?
The answer to this question can be obtained simply by looking into the new premises. The work there has already ended. Only a few workers put the finishing touches on the appearance: they remove the remnants of construction debris, here and there correct the plaster, fix the carved patterned frames that adorn the columns. Brown lacquered wood is mysteriously reflected in the glass of panoramic windows. The new tables, which are already installed in close rows and are waiting for their first visitors, are also shining. New distribution points sparkle with chrome … The new dining room is made in a special style. It is especially vividly reflected by a huge stucco panel – the fresh work of our sculptor Sergei Ushakov. The panel is made in a nautical theme and impresses with its size: it is from floor to ceiling. The wall opposite is also decorated with stucco – a romantic medieval castle, another work of Sergei Alekseevich. The arch from the entrance section to the dining room is lined with bricks and is in great harmony with the architecture of the castle… Work on decorating the walls, which is amazing, took the master only two weeks. Concrete was chosen as the material – the works in the dining room are now “for centuries”. In the new hall, it seems that everyone who was involved in its reconstruction left a piece of his soul. Everything is done exceptionally professionally, it is impossible to take your eyes off the hall, and from many who have already managed to appreciate its beauty, you can hear: “Well, ours! They know how to work! Beautiful, elegant and high quality!

The opening of the second hall of the dining room “Caspian” does not yet have an exact date. Yes, the dining room is almost ready. But she has yet to pass the inspection of the sanitary and epidemiological station for compliance of the premises with all norms and standards of public catering.
– The total number of seats with the commissioning of the new hall will reach 628: the existing 248 will add 380 new ones, – the head of the service service Olga Anatolyevna Borodaenko gives accurate statistics on the updated dining room.
– There will be four distribution lines. All of them will be provided from one hot shop – he is able to master such volumes of work. Of course, we will expand the staff of kitchen workers. There will be no rules and distinctions when visiting the dining room – visitors will be able to choose any hall and approach any of the distributions. The expansion of the canteen will increase the capacity of the distribution lines at times. It is expected that now, even if there are tenants in the town, the queues in the dining room, if they are, are minimal. Access turnstiles will definitely be installed in the new hall, the working hours of the dining room with time restrictions will not change. Also, food ordering terminals will be installed at each distribution.
The canteen “Caspian” has proven its effectiveness since its opening. The appearance of the second hall is not so much qualitative as quantitative changes. The expansion of the canteen is definitely an additional burden for the catering staff, so the changes will affect the organization of this service to a greater extent. But these are important changes, because now the dining room will be able to accommodate more people without compromising their comfort.
And we, the employees of Ariadne, for whom all this is done, will be able to be content with the breadth of comfort and receive aesthetic pleasure. After all, if we do something, they do it with a soul, conscientiously and, most importantly, with care for people.