Our beautiful planet has given humanity for eternal use a plot of land that makes up only about 30 percent of its surface area. The remaining 70% is water.
However, only 2.5% of the Earth’s water resources are fresh water, the magic drink of life to which we owe literally everything.
These are global categories. And now about what concerns us directly.
Not everyone knows that Tengiz, namely the entire TCO production complex and related economic entities, are provided with drinking and industrial water from the Volga. Including our company, Ariadne. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, we drink Volga water, wash ourselves with Volga water! Even during the design of the first plant, a 400-kilometer main water pipeline was stretched to the Tengiz field from the left tributary of the Volga Kigach. In the 1980s, the government of the USSR thus protected the unique fish resources of the Ural River, which concentrated about 90 world stocks of sturgeon.
The Atyrau Oil Pipeline Directorate (ANU) has a monopoly on water transportation along the Kigach-Tengiz highway. The cost of water is very high.
Probably, there is already enough information to think about.
And it’s worth considering, because our country, Kazakhstan, is one of the most water-deficient countries on the Eurasian continent. As part of the development of the Strategy-2030, the Government approved the Concept for the Development of the Water Sector of the Economy and Water Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which includes the introduction of water-saving technologies, reduction of water losses in the field of water use, equipping water management systems with modern means of water metering and water regulation.
The average person, in addition to vital drinking, spends more than 200 liters of water per day for needs such as watering plants, wet cleaning, showering and bathing, washing, etc. But, unfortunately, few of us think about the fact that you can spend much less water than usual, without reducing the level of comfort. Household “little things” can give significant water savings. For example: open the tap to the optimal required power, and not to the full pressure when washing your hands; Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth to prevent water from draining in vain. Use the maximum load of the washing machine when washing, and do not wash each blouse or tights separately. Use water without detergents after rinsing the fruit for, for example, watering the plants – why not? Repair water leaks and replace plumbing fixtures in a timely manner. And of course, always turn off the faucet after using the water supply. Everything is very simple, but follow these tips at home, and you will be convinced: “Little things” will bring noticeable savings to the family budget.
And at work? The company “Ariadne” now uses about 133 liters of water per day per person. I would like to note that the level of water consumption has increased significantly this year: over the previous three years, it averaged 46.5 liters. Can it be argued that a year ago the level of comfort in residential and administrative premises was lower? Definitely not! Part of the increase in water consumption can be explained by the abnormally hot summer, but only partially. Most likely, we are accustomed to comfortable living conditions, when each apartment has several bathrooms and showers, and began to be wasteful about water use. Moreover, water use is completely free.
You need to know that the company is constantly looking for, introducing new proposals and opportunities to save water. For example, thanks to the use of aerators, optimization of the laundry (washing only at maximum load of washing machines), the use of water for filtration from the boiler room for watering green spaces, preventing leaks and spilling, an economic effect was obtained. But the organizational and engineering approach to the rational use of water should be consciously supported by every employee who understands perfectly well that the living conditions created in Ariadne are excellent. But they are, frankly, not cheap.
But even if you do not take into account everyday life, do not realize that a wonderful cascade of fountains in the neighborhood or constant hot water in the shower is the result of the purposeful efforts of the company’s management, its respect for each of us, we must remember: water is an asset that we inherited from Nature, it is priceless, but, unfortunately, not unlimited.
Water is something that we need to especially appreciate and protect.
Head of the Department of Occupational Safety and Labor Protection and Environmental Protection.