Every year on May 9, the thoughts and feelings of the inhabitants of the city of Kulsary seem to be concentrated at one point – at the flaming bowl of the Eternal Flame. Small in area, but strict and solemn park with the Victory Memorial, like a life-giving spring, attracts all the townspeople – both gray-haired veterans, and respectable husbands and dignified ladies, and perky youth, and mischievous children. Such is this holiday – the Day of the Great Victory in the Great War, the direct and, perhaps, divine symbols of which are the peaceful blue sky and bright spring flowers. And yet – children, and preschoolers, and schoolchildren, who are happy to wear on this day a specially purchased or sewn military uniform of the forties, or at least a soldier’s cap with a red five-pointed star.

Well, what do they know about the Victory in the war against fascism, our five-year-old kids? It turns out they do!
And they are proud of their great-grandfathers who fought for their homeland for so long. And with boundless sincerity, they thank them for the Victory.
And from this, adults have involuntary tears in their eyes: in the blood of our children is the greatness of the unparalleled feat of the united, fraternal and invincible Soviet people and its main heroes, ordinary people, such earthly and so dear and dear to all of us soldiers and officers!
Victory Day is their holiday. And, therefore, this is a celebration of life!
The team of “Ariadne” annually travels on May 9 to the district center of Kulsary to take part in the solemn procession and, laying flowers at the foot of the monument, pay tribute to the memory and gratitude to the fallen for the Motherland and the living veterans of the Great Patriotic War – the victorious soldiers in the battle against fascism.
And now only one front-line soldier, Kapes Ibraev, who went to the front as a seventeen-year-old boy and reached Berlin with victory, remained alive. Here, on the square, he came here on a brand new “Niva” – a gift for the holiday from grateful fellow villagers. Here he sits in the car and modestly accepts congratulations from fellow countrymen, surrounded by kids in soldier’s uniform. And in a few minutes it will be he who will take the parade – a solemn procession of people at the Eternal Flame. He, of course, is not a marshal, but he is a Soldier of Victory, and this, of course, is the highest military rank.

The day before, a small delegation from the Ariadne team visited Kapes-ata at his house in the village of Shokpartogai. The 95-year-old war veteran wore a ceremonial jacket with orders and medals and an indispensable turquoise beret in the colors of the national flag of Kazakhstan. Kapes Ibrayev is a participant in the solemn Parade on Red Square in Moscow in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, in this beret he walked in the solemn ranks of veterans and now keeps it as a relic.
Valentina Hamina, a specialist of the human resources department, and Gulmira Dukanova, commandant of the shift camp, excitedly, congratulated the former soldier and presented gifts. He himself was even more excited and simply gestured to invite everyone to the table: a holiday without a dastarkhan is not Kazakh!
And he recalled, abruptly and with tears rolling into his eyes, how their regiment fought in Germany, and then also in the Far East with the Japanese militarists.
And it was painfully sad to realize that he was now one living soldier of the Great Patriotic War for the entire large oil Zhylyoi region …
The solemn procession to the Eternal Flame begins. A small, friendly column of “Ariadne” is among the first in a series of oilfield service companies. In Zhylyoi district, our company is well known for its active participation in solving social issues, helping needy segments of the population and great respect for veterans.
Flowers at the Eternal Flame on behalf of the team were laid by V.V. Kistol, First Deputy General Director of Ariadna LLP, representatives of various departments of the company. Eternal memory to the fallen – the heroes of the war, who paid with their young blood for our today’s life, so dynamic and diverse!
By tradition, “Ariadne” lays flowers at the monument to soldiers-internationalists, participants in the war in Afghanistan, who fell in battles, defending the freedom of a neighboring state.

There are big festivities in the city of Kulsary. There will be a multi-hour concert on the square, traditional “May Days” of groups in nature, in the evening – fireworks.
Thank you to the Victory for the excitement and memory, for the tears and songs, for the mournful bitterness and great pride. For the fact that it is very pleasant to see elegant and joyful children in the form of victorious soldiers on the square.
Victory is, after all, first of all for them.
This is their holiday.
This is OUR holiday.
Thank you for the VICTORY!